Locum loses flavour
Feb 03, 2025
"Should I locum?" you ask.
I have literally had a career built upon being a locum. This has spanned three countries and 21 years as a pharmacist. It's been awesome.
I am passionate about pharmacy but my opinions are changing.
2020 in Auckland has literally changed my views and recommendations on becoming and remaining a locum pharmacist in New Zealand.
With a glut of pharmacists in this city already, COVID-19 has had a further effect causing more unsettled people in this industry than possibly ever before.
First, there is the germ factor.
Traveling about from job to job has become a less desirable situation in any profession let alone a front line health professional crossing suburban boundaries day-to-day to assist hundreds of patients in each.
Second, the time off factor.
Owners are no longer taking their winter or overseas break where they feel like checking out of their businesses for a while. Travel has been affected greatly and faithful staff are feeling the pressure of lockdowns and alert levels. Where others had a possible break in lockdowns, pharmacy staff were essential and worked harder than ever to keep the public happy. There has also been a low level of anxiety among customers who have been harder to please at times. This is not a desirable time to take a break (although greatly needed) most owners a feeling the need to stay put and keep things ticking over. This means quite literally that locums are not required to replace owners.
Thirdly, the financial security factor.
Let's face it, locums are realising that permanent jobs are offering the only security in pharmacy right now and we are seeing an influx of candidates looking for their ideal permanent placement.
No, I wouldn't locum right now given the choice. That's it, there is my answer.
What's your ideal job?
Let me know.
Let's start with your ideal and work backward.
Amelia Gardner
[email protected]